I’d like to call a vote for committing to getting DataSourceV2 in a
functional state for Spark 3.0.

For more context, please see the discussion thread, but here is a quick
summary about what this commitment means:

   - We think that a “functional DSv2” is an achievable goal for the Spark
   3.0 release
   - We will consider this a blocker for Spark 3.0, and take reasonable
   steps to make it happen
   - We will *not* delay the release without a community discussion

Here’s what we’ve defined as a functional DSv2:

   - Add a plugin system for catalogs
   - Add an interface for table catalogs (see the ongoing SPIP vote)
   - Add an implementation of the new interface that calls SessionCatalog
   to load v2 tables
   - Add a resolution rule to load v2 tables from the v2 catalog
   - Add CTAS logical and physical plan nodes
   - Add conversions from SQL parsed plans to v2 logical plans (e.g.,
   INSERT INTO support)

Please vote in the next 3 days on whether you agree with committing to this

[ ] +1: Agree that we should consider a functional DSv2 implementation a
blocker for Spark 3.0
[ ] +0: . . .
[ ] -1: I disagree with this goal because . . .

Thank you!
Ryan Blue
Software Engineer

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