@Sean Owen <sro...@gmail.com>,
I'm afraid I don't agree with you this time, I still remember no one can
tell me whether Spark supports ARM or how much Spark can support ARM when I
asked this first time on Dev@,  you're very kind and told me to build and
test on ARM locally and so sorry I think you were not sure much about this
at that moment, right? Then I and my team work with community, we
found/fixed several issues, integrate arm jobs into AMPLAB Jenkins, and the
daily jobs has been stablely running for few weeks... after these efforts
why not announce this officially in Spark releasenote? I believe after this
everyone will know Spark is fully testing on ARM on community CI, Spark
supports ARM basically, it's amazing and this will be very helpful. So what
do you think? Or what are you worrying about?

On Mon, Nov 18, 2019 at 2:28 AM Steve Loughran <ste...@cloudera.com> wrote:

> The ASF PR team would like something like that "Spark now supports ARM" in
> press releases. And don't forget: they do you like to be involved in the
> launch of the final release.
> On Fri, Nov 15, 2019 at 9:46 AM bo zhaobo <bzhaojyathousa...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi @Sean Owen <sro...@gmail.com> ,
>> Thanks for your idea.
>> We may use the bad words to describe our request. That's true that we
>> cannot just say "Spark support ARM from release 3.0.0", and we also cannot
>> say the past releases cannot run on ARM. But the reality is the past
>> releases didn't get a fully test on ARM like the current testing we do. And
>> that's true that current CI system have no resources can fit this kind
>> request(test on ARM).
>> And please try to think, if a user wants to run lastest Spark release on
>> ARM(even the old releases), but community doesn't say that the specific
>> Spark release get testing on ARM. I think the users might think there is a
>> risk run on ARM, if he/she has no choice, they have to run spark on ARM,
>> they will build the CI system by themselves. That's very expensive. Right?
>> But now, community will do the same testing on ARM in the upstream, this
>> will save the users' resources. That's the reason announcing by community
>> in some ways is official and the best. Such as "In XXX release, Spark gets
>> fully testing on ARM" or "In XXX release, Spark community integrated an ARM
>> CI system. ". Once user see that, he/she would be very comfortable to use
>> Spark on ARM. ;-)
>> Thanks for your paitent, we just discuss here, if I do something not
>> good, please feel free to correct and discuss. ;-)
>> Thanks,
>> BR
>> ZhaoBo
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>>  19/11/15
>> 下午05:43:57
>> Sean Owen <sro...@gmail.com> 于2019年11月15日周五 下午5:04写道:
>>> I don't think that's true either, not yet. Being JVM-based with no
>>> native code, I just don't even think it would be common to assume it
>>> doesn't work and it apparently has. If you want to announce it, that's
>>> up to you.
>>> On Fri, Nov 15, 2019 at 3:01 AM Tianhua huang <huangtianhua...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > @Sean Owen,
>>> > Thanks for attention this.
>>> > I agree with you, it's probably not very appropriate to say 'support
>>> arm from 3.0 release'. How about change to the word "Spark community
>>> supports fully tests on arm from 3.0 release"?
>>> > Let's try to think about it from the user's point of view than
>>> developer,users have to know exactly whether spark supports arm well and
>>> wheter spark fully tests on arm. If we specify spark is fully tests on arm,
>>> I believe users will have much more confidence to run spark on arm.
>>> >

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