Hi Rupert,

we are using XSLT transformation that we include within an enhancement
engine. After that we want to look for links between entities extracted
from the content-item by the XSLT transformation and a NER engine and
entities stored in the entityhub. We want to do that by wrapping SILK in a
bundle connected to the Stanbol SPARQL endpoint. When the bundle (an
enhancement engine) receives the content-item it checks for duplicates
following the comparisons defined in the SILK configuration file. The
result can be some triples like <entity_1> <owl:sameAs> <entity_2> where
<entity_1> comes from the content item and <entity_2> from the entityhub.
These triples will be added to the content-item metadata but there is not a
clear way to create an enhancement to connect these triples to the
content-item. Maybe one way could be by reifying them. Do you have any
advice/suggestion ?



2013/6/12 Rupert Westenthaler <rupert.westentha...@gmail.com>

> Hi Luigi,
> Regarding extracting the text from XML files you might want to check
> if the TikaEngine can be used for that.
> Note also that you can parse pre-existing annotations to the Stanbol
> Enhancer. You might want to have a look at this example [1].
> Sorry I have not understood the part with "<entity_1> <owl:sameAs>
> <entity_2>"
> best
> Rupert
> [1]
> http://stanbol.apache.org/docs/trunk/components/enhancer/enhancerrest#example-4-parse-existing-free-text-annotations
> On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 4:27 PM, Luigi Selmi <luigise...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Rupert,
> >
> > thanks for your answers. I am working with XML files and want to
> transform
> > them into RDF then use a NER engine to extract entities from those
> > properties that have text like titles and abstracts (that we map to
> related
> > DC properties). I was also searching a way to use another engine to
> > interlink entites extracted from the transformation and from the NER
> engine
> > above using a sparql endpoint that will add triples like <entity_1>
> > <owl:sameAs> <entity_2> to the content item metadata. I was thinking to
> > create enhancements every time a new resource is created by the
> > transformation and a owl:sameAs relationship is found by an interlinking
> > process. That will provide information about the document from which
> those
> > triples have been extracted and the engines that made it like what
> happens
> > when a plain text file is sent to a NLP engine.
> >
> > Best
> >
> > Luigi
> >
> >
> > 2013/6/11 Rupert Westenthaler <rupert.westentha...@gmail.com>
> >
> >> Hi Luigi,
> >>
> >> I am not sure if I understand your question, but let me try to answer.
> >>
> >> Please note [1] when reading through this mail.
> >>
> >> fise:EntityAnnotation use the fise:entity-reference property to link
> >> to the URI of the suggested Entity. If your question was about what
> >> happens if there are several fise:EntityAnnotation's referring to the
> >> same Entity (same value for the fise:entity-reference) than the answer
> >> is - it depends on the EnhancementEngine (and the situation)
> >>
> >> fise:EntityAnnotation may have multiple dc:relation properties
> >> pointing to several fise:TextAnnotaions - in this case this means that
> >> an Entity is suggested for several mentions within the analyzed
> >> content.
> >>
> >> However EnhancementEngines may also decide to create multiple
> >> fise:EnityAnnotation instances all pointing to the same entity. This
> >> is typically the case for disambiguation Engines (e.g. the
> >> disambiguation-mlt engine) as those will want to note different
> >> fise:confidence values for the different mentions linked with the same
> >> Entity.
> >>
> >> The Stanbol Enhancer does not add any relations between entities. If
> >> you see relations "<entity1> <owl:sameAs> <entity2>" than it means
> >> that (1) dereferencing of linked Entities is enabled and (2) those
> >> triples where already present in the knowledge base where the Entity
> >> do come from.
> >>
> >> Hope this answers your question
> >> best
> >> Rupert
> >>
> >> [1]
> >>
> http://stanbol.apache.org/docs/trunk/components/enhancer/enhancementstructure.png
> >>
> >>
> >> On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 7:36 PM, Luigi Selmi <luigise...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >> > Hi all,
> >> >
> >> > in the documentation is not clear which properties are attached to an
> >> > enhancement created by a linking engine after two URIs have been
> found to
> >> > represent the same entity. Which are the FISE properties used to state
> >> that
> >> >
> >> > <entity1> <owl:sameAs> <entity2>
> >> >
> >> > where <entity1> and <entity2> are referenced by <enhancement1> and
> >> > <enhancement2> ?
> >> >
> >> > Following the way in which enhancements are created in Stanbol a
> linking
> >> > engine should create a new enhancement, say <enhancement3> with its
> >> > confidence value that should state in some value the fact above but I
> >> > couldn't find any clear statement about this in the documentation.
> Anyone
> >> > knows how a linking engine works for this ? Thanks in advance.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > Luigi
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> | Rupert Westenthaler             rupert.westentha...@gmail.com
> >> | Bodenlehenstraße 11                             ++43-699-11108907
> >> | A-5500 Bischofshofen
> >>
> --
> | Rupert Westenthaler             rupert.westentha...@gmail.com
> | Bodenlehenstraße 11                             ++43-699-11108907
> | A-5500 Bischofshofen

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