Hi Fabian, Rupert,

I have been taking a look to the Stanbol Jira and certainly there is a
great mess there. For example, there are a lot of issues opened more than
one or two years ago. What do you think guys about having a session for
properly organizing this?. We can meet at the IRC channel or wherever you
consider and talk about releases, expectations, roadmap. I have the
impression that there is a complete lack of planning for the project. I
know that I'm not probably the most indicated person for saying this
because I'm far away of being a daily contributor. But maybe we can
motivate committers again by building a great backlog and planning properly
where the project should go. I have been using Stanbol lately for two real
uses cases and I could share with you my impressions and provide feedback
as functionality that would have been nice to have while developing the

It would be great also to know how other Apache projects build their
roadmap. Maybe we find a mirror to look at.


On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 11:22 AM, Rupert Westenthaler <
rupert.westentha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 8:14 AM, Fabian Christ <fchr...@apache.org> wrote:
> > here is my draft for the report. Anything to add?
> Hi Fabian
> Nothing that is so important for adding to the Report.
> On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 8:14 AM, Fabian Christ <fchr...@apache.org> wrote:
> > The project is doing well but on a slow level. Main issue at the moment
> > may be that there is no one who is cutting releases from time to time.
> > The last release was cut one year ago. The project is aware of this
> > issue and is working on it.
> >
> Thats very true!
> Slow Progress ...
> * I updated most of the dependencies STANBOL-1419 (for both 0.12.1 and
> trunk). So we are again using the newest Apache Sling Launcher, Apache
> Felix. New Apache Sling logging  with lock back support, ...)
> * Added support for ixa-nerc - Named Entity Recognition models. They
> provide much better quality models for OpenNLP. Languages: English,
> Spanish, German, Italian and Dutch.
> * I am also working together with Alfonso Noriega on adding support
> for the Stanford NLP sentiment annotation. For Stanbol this will mean
> that the Restful NLP engine will support Sentiment Annotations.
> An other issue are questions about the Contenthub and CMS Adatper that
> we can not really handle as the original developers are no longer
> active. During the dependency upgrades (STANBOL-1419) I noticed that
> those components do not have any Integration tests. So while I fixed
> all related module level issues (as reported by the unit tests) I was
> unable to ensure that everything was working as intended at runtime
> (as for all other components that do have integration tests).
> About Releases:
> I am happy to help with releases. Best would be if I you Fabian could
> show me everything I need to know to create releases by my own in the
> future.
> best
> Rupert
> --
> | Rupert Westenthaler             rupert.westentha...@gmail.com
> | Bodenlehenstraße 11                              ++43-699-11108907
> | A-5500 Bischofshofen
> ..........................................................................
> | http://redlink.co/

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