Since there's no -1 vote for binding/non-binding, please put opinions on
what Arun stated.

Personally I don't think it's blocker for release. The main reason of
change - size issue for binary dist. - was discussed enough,  and though we
discussed shortly we were in consensus that we remove binary jars from
binary dist.

We may want to apply exception to the storm-starter, but that's optional
for me.

- Jungtaek Lim (HeartSaVioR)

2017년 3월 25일 (토) 오전 3:01, Hugo Da Cruz Louro <>님이 작성:

> +1 (binding)
> - unzipped .zip sources and binaries
> - mvn clean install in unzipped sources
> - created uber jar for storm-solr and storm-kafka-client
> - tested storm-solr and storm-kafka-client in local cluster mode and
> remode cluster mode
> The issue<> I mentioned
> earlier can safely be downgraded to critical as after further evaluation I
> consider there are workarounds. Furthermore the fix can easily be
> incorporated in minor release as I stated in the follow up discussion
> emails.
> Thanks
> Hugo
> On Mar 24, 2017, at 12:11 AM, Jungtaek Lim <<mailto:
>>> wrote:
> 1. I'm OK to contain uber jar only for storm-starter, as example for
> starter.
> The size should be smaller enough if we remove connector dependencies in
> storm-starter. Currently it depends on storm-hdfs, storm-hbase,
> storm-redis, and we could move out some topologies to remove dependencies.
> 2. Yeah maintaining doc page for connector in website is fine for me. More
> clearly, either is fine.
> 3. SQL runner in Storm SQL compiles SQL to trident topology, so in order to
> run SQL runner, binary dist. needs to have dependencies for SQL runner. Not
> same as other connectors.
> We might want to make uber jar for Storm SQL core and put to binary dist.
> to make it clear.
> Thanks,
> Jungtaek Lim (HeartSaVioR)
> 2017년 3월 24일 (금) 오후 3:52, Arun Mahadevan <<mailto:
>>>님이 작성:
> Could you cast your vote? If you are still not satisfied with excluding
> jars you can cast -0 or even -1.
> I am not fully convinced with the current binary distribution.
> 1. Why do we expect users to build the examples source from the binary
> distribution? Since these are most likely to be used by new users they will
> find it difficult if the build breaks. I checked other distributions like
> spark and they have the example jar inside the binary, but the size is
> pretty small. If we remove the shading and only keep the storm-starter.jar
> the size will be pretty small. Other option is to release a separate binary
> (like apache-storm-examples-xyz.jar) with just the example jars.
> 2. Keeping the connectors out of the binary is good. We should also remove
> the directories (with only the The users can find this info
> from the website.
> 3. Storm-sql jars are kept in the binary. Is there some reason? May be
> this should also be removed from the binary to be consistent.
> Thanks,
> Arun
> On 3/23/17, 7:34 PM, "Jungtaek Lim" <<mailto:
>>> wrote:
> +1 to the latter.
> I'm in favor of documenting the change to release note, and also docs so
> that website can be reflected. The users who are affected to the change
> wouldn't be much, since using dependency management tool (Maven, Gradle,
> and so on) has been recommended for creating topology jar.
> For me it's not a blocker for release.
> Arun, I initiated another thread to discuss moving non-connectors to the
> top directory.
> Could you cast your vote? If you are still not satisfied with excluding
> jars you can cast -0 or even -1.
> - Jungtaek Lim (HeartSaVioR)
> 2017년 3월 23일 (목) 오후 10:43, P. Taylor Goetz <<mailto:
>>>님이 작성:
> Do we want to cancel this RC in order to better document the changes, or
> will documenting it in the release announcement suffice for now
> (provided
> documentation is added for subsequent releases)?
> I’m partial to the latter, but am open to others’ opinions.
> -Taylor
> On Mar 22, 2017, at 9:49 AM, Bobby Evans <
> <>
> wrote:
> +1 I built form the tag and ran using a single node cluster.
> The examples and external components are excluded because they are
> huge.  Because of shading they we distribute the same copy of them
> multiple
> times.
> I agree with Alexandre.  We should document this change better,
> because
> it is confusing for people to get a release that used to have these in
> it,
> but does not any more.
> - Bobby
> On Tuesday, March 21, 2017, 10:46:38 PM CDT, Arun Mahadevan <
><>> wrote:Verified the artifacts.
> Compiled examples and
> ran
> some sample topologies. Looks good.
> BTW, why are the external modules excluded from the binaries (the .zip
> and .tar.gz). Isn’t it better if the binary distribution includes them?
> Maybe it was already discussed but I am missing it. The sql directory
> however seems to include the jars so it looks inconsistent.
> - Arun
> On 3/22/17, 12:56 AM, "P. Taylor Goetz" <<mailto:
>>> wrote:
> This is a call to vote on releasing Apache Storm 1.1.0 (rc3)
> Full list of changes in this release:
> The tag/commit to be voted upon is v1.1.0:
> The source archive being voted upon can be found here:
> Other release files, signatures and digests can be found here:
> The release artifacts are signed with the following key:
> The Nexus staging repository for this release is:
> Please vote on releasing this package as Apache Storm 1.1.0.
> When voting, please list the actions taken to verify the release.
> This vote will be open for at least 72 hours.
> [ ] +1 Release this package as Apache Storm 1.1.0
> [ ]  0 No opinion
> [ ] -1 Do not release this package because...
> Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release.
> -Taylor

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