On 12/1/05, Greg Reddin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have just checked in a sweeping refactoring of the Standalone Tiles
> codebase.  Many may see it and immediately hurl cruise missiles in my
> general direction :-)  Please do, I can take it.  First and foremost
> however, I ask that you remember this is the sandbox.  I'm just
> experimenting and if people seem to think I'm drifting too far from
> the original intent I am willing to unfactor what I've refactored.  I
> mostly did this because actual code trumps theory and I'm looking for
> feedback.  So please read my intent below along with a summary of
> what I've done and what's left to do and let me know what you think.
> My main purpose was to compress and clean up the Tiles internal API.
> Every time I've looked at Tiles I've been overwhelmed by the number
> of classes and interdependencies.  I constantly found myself thinking
> "Surely it doesn't have to be this hard".

This was pretty much my reaction too, on the occasions I've delved into the
code. But I didn't have the perseverence and singlemindedness to actually
take it on and get anywhere, as you have done. Great stuff, Greg!

Martin Cooper

  There are so many classes
> and codepaths to do the same thing that there's almost certain to be
> hidden features I didn't know about.  Plus, the existing
> documentation is terse as is the test coverage.  I decided that I
> either need to improve the doc and test coverage and/or take on a
> major simplification effort.  So I took a stab at making it simpler.
> I may very well find that it does have to be that hard and be forced
> to undo my changes.  Here's a summary of my changes:
> The object graph supporting Tiles definitions and attributes was
> spread across several classes in the org/apache/tiles package.  The
> default implementation included what I see as a lot of core
> functionality of Tiles and was contained in the org/apache/tiles/
> xmlDefinition package.  I compressed all of that code into the
> following classes in org/apache/tiles:
>      ComponentDefinition
>      ComponentDefinitions
>      ComponentAttribute
>      ComponentListAttribute
> Some of those are classes and others are implementations.  There's
> also a org/apache/tiles/definitions package with some
> implementations.  In doing this compression I was able to completely
> get rid of the xmlDefinition package.  I realize that xmlDefinition
> represented a default xml-based implementation of the
> DefinitionsFactory API   So how can I justify making the default
> implementation essentially part of the interface?  Well, the
> DefinitionsFactory interface did not inherently support some of tiles
> core features like inheritance without relying on the xmlDefinition
> package.  I figured that if someone wants to support a different
> factory, say backed by an RDBMS, they would still have to use some of
> the classes in the xmlDefinition package to provide support for some
> core features of Tiles.
> So I moved all that functionality up to the top level.  I also wrote
> a default reader component that can load that object graph from XML
> using Digester.  To implement a database-backed factory now one
> should only need to write a new reader component and the core pieces
> will behave the same way.
> Of course, this completely broke the taglib.  So, to save time, I
> simply did the poke, delete, compile, and quickly test method to make
> the taglib compatible with the new core components.  This works on my
> simple web applications, but I'm sure the taglib is still broken in a
> lot of ways.
> So, what's next?
> 1.  Taglib Refactoring.
> I need to closely review the taglib, extract the core functionality,
> write tests and do some of the same refactoring to the tags as I've
> done to the core.  However, this will not change the public interface
> - only simplify the internals.
> 2.  Test, test, test.
> I've written several test cases already and need a bunch more.  I'm
> trying to build each feature as a test case, pretty close to the test-
> first pattern.  I plan to continue that approach.  In fact, I'd love
> it if we could just point newbies at the test cases to show Tiles'
> features and how they work.
> 3.  Refactoring Wave 3:  Remove dependencies on Servlet API.
> This was the original goal 3 months ago when we started down this
> path.  We want Ties to work in a portlet environment.  Doing so will
> require that we get rid of all the dependencies on Servlet components
> and replace them with some sort of context object that has
> implementations for both servlet and portlet APIs.
> Along the way, we'll need to examine what features may have been
> removed and try to figure out if and how to reimplement those.  And
> fix the stuff that I've broken.  There's a bunch of FIXME's in the
> code now that will need to be addressed.
> I think this project is a pretty good candidate for Don's milestone
> proposal.  I can already see 2 or 3.  So there.  I did it.  Let me
> know what you think.
> Thanks,
> Greg
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