This doesn't concern XWork itself.

The question is can Struts continue to depend on XWork externally and
actually be cohesive? I want one comprehensive manual. I don't
necesarily want the servlet API to be readily available, but when I
need it, I'd prefer not to go through a ThreadLocal. Having two
completely separate projects where one project that generates two jars
would make more sense has always gotten on my nerves. I think it will
be even worse now that the two projects are at different sites.

Also, how do the tags relate to JSTL? Are we just going to ignore
JSTL? Or are we going to use JSTL for JSP with some WebWork-specific
extensions and the WebWork tags for other template engines?

Are we going to continue using OGNL, or are we going to use JSP EL?


On 4/17/06, Jason Carreira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -1 to moving it over. XWork is not just part of WebWork, it's used other 
> places.
> You're more than welcome to help do the cleanup in XWork for a 2.0 release.
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