> We're using WebWork 2.2 heavily on a handful of
> projects (OK, a big
> handful of big projects), so I definitely understand
> the concerns.
> I didn't mean to shock anyone. I thought my point of
> view was clear
> based on the introduction to the "Rough Spots" page
> (http://wiki.apache.org/struts/RoughSpots) and the
> "Action Next++"
> thread
> (http://forums.opensymphony.com/thread.jspa?threadID=2
> 7183).
> I'm worried about migrating our WebWork projects,
> too, but I'm willing
> to stick with WebWork 2.2 for a little longer and
> endure a less
> convenient migration in order to support what's best
> in the long run.
> (I also don't think a migration will be as painful as
> some think.)
> In the long run, do we want Struts Action 2.0 to be a
> standard on the
> same footing as JSF or just another non-JSF
> framework? I want the
> former. I want Struts Action 2.0 to be the default
> choice of major
> corporations so I can continue to use it for years to
> come.
> If you agree, the most important thing is that we get
> the published
> API right in the 2.0 release. The published API
> includes a Java API
> like we have here, the configuration (along with the
> implicit
> interceptor and result names), the tag libraries,
> etc.
> Breaking the API in a 2.0.x release is not an option;
> we'll be stuck
> with whatever we put out in 2.0. As I said in the
> "Action Next++"
> thread, I'd rather not start planning on a 3.0
> release. Let's get it
> right the first time.

I think this is the core decision that needs to be made right now. I'm not sure 
which way I'm leaning on this, but we need to pick a direction. If we're going 
to redesign the API and get things right, then lets decide to do that and 
re-open WebWork to bug fixes and more releases in the meantime. Either way I'd 
like to push some of this stuff into XWork, not just leave it in SAF2.
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