You'll find a rough comparison to Spring in the wiki:


On 2/25/07, Paul Benedict <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I see some interesting similarities to other projects. Tapestry has an
@Inject annotation, and Spring has a @Required annotation. I guess my
question is why would someone prefer Guice support over Spring? I read
the "Why Guice?" section, but I didn't see this question.


Bob Lee wrote:
> Guice has come along way since we copied the source over into XWork. If
> anyone would like to try out Guice with Struts 2.0.6, we've included a
> plugin jar in the latest distribution:
> And instructions for using Guice with Struts 2 in the users' guide:
> The users' guide is in dire need of help, we know. Kevin B. is working
on a
> complete rewrite. Let us know if you'd like to help!
> You can find the latest Javadocs in the aforementioned zip or online
> Thanks for checking this out. Let me know if you have any problems. We
> you enjoy it, and we appreciate any feedback.
> Also, the site may be public, and the implementation is pretty much
> complete, but we are trying to stay under the radar until will have all
> ducks in a row, i.e. better documentation.
> Thanks,
> Bob

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