--- Bob Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Bob,  
I'd like to say that I'm codeveloper of

> Type checking, performance, documentation, less
> code, generic types support,
> cleaner configuration (Guice uses a nice EDSL), no
> setter method
> requirement, up front error checking with user
> friendly messages, simpler
> API...

let separate DI container from DI container buildup. 
pico (di-only part)  offers nothing than DI, 
you can build up hierarchical tree of containers. 
you request component from a leaf - it is delivered. 

distinctive feature are component adapters, which
determine how components are wired together. 
adapters can be stacked  to provide specific behaviour
( caching / hot swapable / remoting /aspects /
constructor injection / setter injection / etc. ) 

Everything can be done in  java code.

nanocontainer is a next step and provides various 
means  to externalize this configuration. 
(xml, groovy, whatever else) 

> IMHO, Annotations are cool and sexy, but they are
> not
> > usefull in this context as they are bound to
> compile
> > time.

> So are interfaces. :)

well, but I do not use interfaces to wire my
together ( explicitely )

> What's important is that you don't depend on the
> implementation. Depending
> on the interface and annotation is OK. Strings are a
> pain.

We do not depend on string keys to dientify components
- key in container  is just object, and is
needed only in case of ambiguity ( but it could be
string as well ) 

> This is where custom providers come in. You inject
> the provider and then
> create your object. If you provide a more detailed
> example, I'll provide a
> code example.

What kind of exmaple do you like? 

This is my hibernate user manager.  Using constructor
injection it only needs hibernate session
( and does not care where it comes from ) 

As hibernate guys decided to use weird factories
everywhere, there was a need for custom wrapper 
for it which is proxying session (part of persistence
subproject of pico/nanocontainer) 

Basically I just register this session component - 
and my HibernateUserManager receives it in

Why do I need an annotation to achieve this? 

> Guice supports properties files and can convert the
> types at startup. I also
> see no reason why you couldn't implement Module
> using Groovy.

Well, there is still a question why it is better than
pico ;) 

Pico is also integated with WW2 and struts ( if not - 
I can contribute it if you like ) 


----[ Konstantin Pribluda http://www.pribluda.de ]----------------
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