On 10/21/07, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The rest plugin heavily depends on the current codebehind plugin, so
> if we are going to merge them, we should do it as soon as possible.
> Could someone outline what exactly the changes would look like?

I'm going to get started on the RESTful MailReader this morning, but
the SmartURLs one is here right now,

 * http://sq1-struts2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/articles/smart-urls/
 * http://groups.google.com/group/sq1-struts2/web/smarturls-mailreader.war

and I've asked Brian about moving the source to the GoogleCode site.

The major change would probably be the "SEO compatible" URLs where a
"hello-world" action URI maps to an Action class named either

 * HelloWorld
 * HelloWorldAction
 * hello-world/Index
 * or the package default (ActionSupport)

but I would like to make that

 * HelloWorld
 * HelloWorldAction
 * hello-world/Index
 * hello!world  (world method on hello.class)
 * or the package default (ActionSupport)

If searches for an Action are being restricted to the
packages/hierarchies we specify, then we might also consider
supporting POJO Actions without an "Action" suffix. In fact, I'd like
to support POJO Actions without an "execute" method :)

On the result side, it's the same or similar, "success" maps to a
result named either

 * hello-world-success
 * or hello-world

but I would like to make that

 * hello-world-success
 * success
 * or hello-world

with the usual local-package, default-package, global-result search
pattern at each bullet.

There's also the annotations, but that seems like a separate concern.

The only actual problems I had with SmartURLs was redirecting to
another namespace.

 * http://code.google.com/p/smarturls-s2/issues/detail?id=17

and overriding a heuristic URL with a declarative URL

 * http://code.google.com/p/smarturls-s2/issues/detail?id=18

One minor glitch with the default SEO URLs is that "-" can't be used
in a JavaScript identifier (since it looks like an expression). But,
that's really a problem with the way we generate JavaScript IDs from
the URI.

For now, I'm off to clone the SmartURLs MailReader and have at it.


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