On 21 Jan 2022, Johan Corveleyn wrote:
I like where this is going. Thanks to all involved for pushing it forward :-).

You're welcome!  Thanks for the use-case example, too.

Any chance your company would want to join the consortium that is funding this work? Please follow up with my privately if so (or introduce me to the right person if needed).

We have a few companies in the consortium already, but I'm always keeping an eye on budget and scope -- the more we pool our resources, the less it costs for each member and the more risk-resilient this overall effort becomes.

(I have a great deal of faith in the implementors, who are skilled and who know Subversion well. But anyone who's managed projects will do whatever they reasonably can to reduce risk! :-) )

Best regards,

Just as another data point, at my company we have a slightly different
use case where this feature would be great (I think), and where a
simple per-WC-yes/no switch would work fine. In this case, we'd
probably also want a "system-wide runtime config area default".

The use case: we have a couple of build machines for "official full builds" (for test, staging, production, ... different stages) of our major applications. To save time, for most big applications, we keep
re-using the large checked-out working copies (update, build, and
switch to the next release branch if there is a next release). We also use those same working copies for backporting cherrypick merges to our release branches (it's all part of our release process, supported by
build scripts and procedures to do these things).

So, currently, our largest build server has 400 such working copies on disk, and they remain there "dormant" until someone updates, builds, cherrypick-merges, commits-a-tag-from-WC, ... Totalling around 450 GB at the moment. Not an absolute killer, but this is a growing number,
and our sysadmins would be quite happy to see that number be +/-
divided by 2 :-). Besides, these build servers are located in our data centers, "right next to" the SVN server, i.e. having a 1 Gb or 10 Gb connection to the repository. A perfect fit for "I don't need 99.9% of those pristines most of the time, and it's blazingly fast to get them
when needed".

Ideally, after pristines-on-demand become possible, I'd do the following: - Set a system-wide flag to make pristines-on-demand the default for new WC's.
- Run a script to "convert" all existing working copies to
pristines-on-demand (setting the per-WC flag).
- Run a script to "vacuum-pristines" those converted working copies. - Receive chocolates from our sysadmins (probably not, but I can try).

(BTW: a lot of those working copies are similar, so a feature to have a "shared pristine store" would also help, but that's another feature
altogether, and perhaps much more difficult to get right -- both
features would solve the wasted-disk-storage problem here, so I'm
happy either way)

Kind regards,

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