On 2022-01-27 17:21:42 +0000, Julian Foad wrote:
> This setting doesn't have to be persistent in the WC. It could be
> configured in client run-time config instead (e.g.
> ~/.subversion/config), as we previously mentioned.
> If it's stored in the WC then we need to create some new UI to control
> the setting. I am not sure we want to do so just now. It does seem, if
> we were designing svn from scratch, such a setting would ideally be
> remembered in the WC and there would be UI to control it, analogous to
> "git config --system|--global|--local", but we are not there.
> When we were thinking the setting would be of the form "on for all files
> larger than X" then the runtime config seemed more appropriate, as that
> form might be expected to apply to many WCs, possibly adding conditions
> such as "and path to WC matches Y" or "repository matches Z". Specifying
> the WC path is ugly as WCs can be moved and we haven't ever exposed any
> other identifier for a WC. Specifying a pattern to match the WC path is
> better. Specifying it per repository is very logical because the
> behavior is so dependent on the repo connection.

But what if a WC can be accessed from different machines (e.g. via
NFS or SSHFS), so potentially with different ~/.subversion/config
files? And what if a WC is stored on a USB drive/disk, which can
move to various machines?

Vincent Lefèvre <vinc...@vinc17.net> - Web: <https://www.vinc17.net/>
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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