Here is an approach that does *not* satisfy both sides of this argument:

svn propset "svn:no-pristines" "*" doc/

cat >> ~/.subversion/config <<-EOF
    src/**/*.exe = "svn:no-pristines = *"

and we make standard Subversion control its pristine storage based on
looking for the versioned property "svn:no-pristines".

Here is an approach that *does* satisfy both sides of this argument. It
is indirect.

First step, we introduce one level of indirection, so that client
behaviour knobs are not attached directly to the versioned data:

svn propset "danielsahlberg:no-pristines" "*" doc/

cat >> ~/.subversion/config <<-EOF
    src/**/*.exe = "danielsahlberg:no-pristines = *"
    omit-pristines-where-this-prop-is-set = "danielsahlberg:no-pristines"

and we make standard Subversion control its pristine storage in
accordance with the config option "omit-pristines-where-this-prop-is-set".

Second step, we provide server-side configuration for automating those
config settings, as follows:

svn propset --revprop -r0 \
"svn:server-dictated-config:config:auto-props:src/**/*.exe" \
"danielsahlberg:no-pristines = *"
svn propset --revprop -r0 \

and we make standard Subversion read config options from the
repository's r0 revprops, and use those as default values for local
config options.

This is not a concrete proposal, just trying to make a clear explanation.

- Julian

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