On 22 Mar 2022, Mark Phippard wrote:
[... many lines omitted...]
For some reason, I need this with configure:   --with-serf=/usr
With that, the davautocheck is running. Thanks for the tip on that one.

I've been watching this thread with amazement and gratitude. Thanks to everyone who's been helping out, but especially to Mark for his patience in plowing through every little obstacle on the way to release-managing.

Mark, you may be amused -- or something -- by my own adventures building Subversion with Serf, which start on the line that says "* --with-serf" in https://svn.red-bean.com/repos/kfogel/trunk/bin/makeit (and if anything in that script is useful to you or anyone else, then my putting it under public version control will not have been in vain).

Best regards,

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