
sounds good to me too.

> > This boils down to separating  the application in: configuration,
>  > binaries (jars) and application data (logs, data, database). You should
>  > be able to supply the path to the main configuration file via system
>  > property and all other configuration files should be referenced from
>  > this one.
> As you might have seen from this wiki page:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/SYNCOPE/Run+Syncope+in+real+environments#RunSyncopeinrealenvironments-Buildanddeploy
> the paths for the bundles and logs directories are already to be 
> provided for production environments.
> There are, however, other configuration files (.properties) that should 
> be possible to put outside of syncope.war and syncope-console.war (and 
> then placed, for example, into /etc/default/apache-syncope on a Debian 
> system).
> This might require some additional Spring configuration (as did in the 
> past for console's configuration.properties - that absolutely needs to 
> be renamed BTW) and possibly some minor Java adjustments, but it is 
> definitely feasible.

In our installation of Syncope we already externalized the .properties-Files
(so one can use the same .war-File both in test and in production), which works 
very well.
We simply changed the search path for the properties files in the Spring 
configuration though;
for the general case one might have to do a little bit more (e.g. keep looking 
in the classpath
if the system property is not set).

Another thing that one IMO might want to be able to put outside of syncope.war 
are the notification mail templates.
This also should not be too difficult, by configuration of proper resource 
loaders for Velocity.

Best regards,

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