On 23/03/2016 17:55, Colm O hEigeartaigh wrote:
On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 4:35 PM, Francesco Chicchiriccò <ilgro...@apache.org> 

a) I filed a bug (SYNCOPE-805) for when the user doesn't specify a
destination realm for a pull task. However, I wonder if it would it be
possible for the user to select the destination realm from a drop-down
Sounds good: can you suggest this as alternative fix for SYNCOPE-805?


b) When running Syncope via a Maven archetype + mvn -Pembedded (using the core 
main, not test, configuration) I don't see anything relating to
"Extensions" in the UI. I see it when I download the standalone
distribution though. Perhaps the default configuration for the archetype
needs to be updated to reference Camel etc?
The idea is to not enable extensions (nor Camel nor Swagger UI, which are
the extensions currently available) by default; maybe an idea is to add a
further "all" profile - similarly to what we do with fit/core-reference so
that one can run

* mvn -Pembedded to get the environment without extensions
* mvn -Pembedded,all to get the environment with extensions
Yep that'd be great.

I have opened SYNCOPE-810.

c) I noticed here (https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/syncope/2.0.0-M2/)
that half of the artifacts start with "apache-syncope" and the other half
with "syncope". Any reason why they are not all starting with
"apache-syncope" for consistency?
Essentially, .deb packages have the "apache-syncope" prefix rather than
"syncope" - as all other artifacts, which take the name off of Maven
modules, do instead.

We might want to change the .deb packages prefix to "syncope" (and
generated directories as /etc/apache-syncope, /var/log/apache-syncope etc)
for consistency; anyway, this is following the practice we have since 1.2.0.
Ok thanks for the explanation. TBH I wouldn't bother changing things, it's
just a trivial issue really.

Fine: if others want, I don't see any troubles in renaming .deb packages.


On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 3:56 PM, Colm O hEigeartaigh <cohei...@apache.org>

Answers inline:
On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 3:49 PM, Francesco Chicchiriccò <
ilgro...@apache.org> wrote:

On 22/03/2016 15:09, Colm O hEigeartaigh wrote:
a) In the "Capabilities" tab, the header is "capabilitiesPalette" which
seems a bit unnecessary IMO. An "all" checkbox would possibly be useful
here which would select all of the other checkboxes.

Agree: would you mind opening an improvement for this?

b) In the "Configuration" tab, it's not clear to me what the On/Off

As for 1.2, such buttons sets the possibility to override the related
properties in the resources using the given connector.
I agree it is not clear now: again, could you please take care of filing
another improvement for this?


c) In previous Syncope versions, one could hover over the textfields IIRC
and get an explanation as to what the configuration item meant. However
this is not working, unless I am missing something.

Once more, I agree with you; third required improvement in a row.
d) Not related to Connectors, but I noticed that all of the table

in the UI have both the header and footer containing the column names.
it would be sufficient just to have the header there.

This was set according to the Admin LTE template that we have chosen
the new admin console: see [1]; however, as you can imagine, we can
revert to the single-header version; it's more a matter of taste.

Sure, it's not an important issue anyway.



[1] https://almsaeedstudio.com/themes/AdminLTE/pages/tables/data.html

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Involved at The Apache Software Foundation:
member, Syncope PMC chair, Cocoon PMC, Olingo PMC, CXF committer

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