
The release candidate validation checklist needs to be easy to modify by
SystemML committers/contributors. As a result, it should probably take a
'Wiki' form. This raises the question of where it should go? Seems like the
options are:

1) md file in the project itself (not a wiki, not easy to modify)
2) GitHub project wiki
3) Apache Confluence

I started off by creating an release validation checklist md file in the
project at docs/. The formatting of this looks good but this is too
difficult to modify. Here's a temporary example:

So, next I took the above content and uploaded it as a personal Gist page.
The formatting doesn't look that great, and this is how it would probably
look on the SystemML GitHub wiki if it's publicly open (I don't have access
to the GitHub project settings to do this):

It occurred to me that most Apache projects have Confluence Wikis (for
example, see https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/SPARK/Wiki+Homepage).
Perhaps Apache Confluence would be the best location? However, I don't
believe we have a Confluence Wiki yet.

Luciano, would we post a JIRA to infra to get a Confluence Wiki for the

I think I would favor #3, but I don't want it to prolong the release
process. Anyone have any opinions or advice? We could even handle this on
the mailing list for now.


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