On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 5:16 PM, Deron Eriksson <deroneriks...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> The release candidate validation checklist needs to be easy to modify by
> SystemML committers/contributors. As a result, it should probably take a
> 'Wiki' form. This raises the question of where it should go? Seems like the
> options are:
> 1) md file in the project itself (not a wiki, not easy to modify)
> 2) GitHub project wiki
> 3) Apache Confluence
> I started off by creating an release validation checklist md file in the
> project at docs/. The formatting of this looks good but this is too
> difficult to modify. Here's a temporary example:
> http://deroneriksson.github.io/incubator-systemml/release-process.html#release-candidate-checklist
> So, next I took the above content and uploaded it as a personal Gist page.
> The formatting doesn't look that great, and this is how it would probably
> look on the SystemML GitHub wiki if it's publicly open (I don't have access
> to the GitHub project settings to do this):
> https://gist.github.com/deroneriksson/3c75abd5bfc629a3d4c15da420f86e3f
> It occurred to me that most Apache projects have Confluence Wikis (for
> example, see
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/SPARK/Wiki+Homepage).
> Perhaps Apache Confluence would be the best location? However, I don't
> believe we have a Confluence Wiki yet.
> Luciano, would we post a JIRA to infra to get a Confluence Wiki for the
> project?
> I think I would favor #3, but I don't want it to prolong the release
> process. Anyone have any opinions or advice? We could even handle this on
> the mailing list for now.
> Thanks,
> Deron

I think that currently with github, it's pretty easy for anyone to
contributed to md based documentation via pr, so I don't see a big need for
using a wiki.

As for tracking execution of the checklist, it should not be on the page,
but either via a jira or as a feedback on the voting thread, and each
failure should be reported as a jira.

Anyway, just my 0.2c.

Luciano Resende

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