I guess this comes down to the question of what is cheaper: A few more cycles 
spent on the client
side for scanning the document multiple times, or sticking to explicit 
initialization with all its
drawbacks. I believe we are talking about a few milliseconds spent with 
additional scanning, and
even if it went into the hundreds, everything below 500ms probably won't even 
be noticed by a user.

I'd go with unobstrusive only.


On 07.11.2012 18:17, Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
> One of the major changes taking place in the 5.4 branch is the choice
> between explicit initialization and unobtrusive initialization.
> Tapestry has traditionally used explicit initialization:
> - render and element, with a specific id
> - generate "parameters" object that describes the behavior, and references
> that id
> - import a JavaScript library that provides a T5.initializers function
> - Invoke that function with the parameters object when the page loads
> With 5.4, we're leveraging unobtrusive initialization. In this style,
> specific elements have special class names (or, increasingly, data-
> attributes).  A module is imported that provides a document-level event
> handler for events (both DOM events, and custom events) that originate in
> such elements.
> Sometimes groups of data-attributes work together, for example in 5.4,
> validation now looks something like this:
> <input ... data-validate="true" data-optionality="required"
> data-required-message="You most provide a user name."/>
> What's nice about this approach is that, when new content is added to the
> page via Ajax or DHTML, the underlying validation behavior is instantly in
> place ... no wait of any kind for initialization, and no processing time
> spent performing the initialization. Likewise, if content is removed from
> the DOM, there's no possibility (even in IE) of memory leaks from cycles
> between JavaScript objects and closures, and DOM objects.
> A nice note about this is that even elements that are rendered entirely on
> the client (perhaps using Backbone, as with my main client projects) can
> now pretty easily participate in validation, just by providing the right
> data- attributes.  At some point, we'll need to create a dictionary of
> these different attributes and how they related to each other!
> This unobtrusive, attribute-driven, approach works great on things that are
> rendered entirely the server side. As I'm recoding more sophisticated
> components, such as the Palette, I'm hitting components that want to do
> some rendering or setup on the client. Even here, there's room for explicit
> or unobtrusive.
> To accomplish unobtrusive, we could do a scan when the page loads for
> elements; for instance, the Palette component could render a
> data-component-type="core/Palette" attribute, and code inside the
> core/palette module could locate such elements and wire them up.
> The challenge there is that, on an Ajax update, we need to scan the newly
> added content and the DOM does not directly provide a way to do that.
> However, the Zone component (and other things that act like a Zone) emit
> custom events before and after updating the DOM.  So we could do one scan
> on initial page load, and an additional scan, just on updated zone content,
> whenever a zone does in fact update.
> The advantage here is moving away from Tapestry-generated unique ids, and
> all the confusion associated with them.
> Has anyone else pursued the unobstrusive/scanning approach (outside of
> Tapestry)?
> Currently, the work I'm doing on Palette leaves it in the explicit
> initialization camp. The trade-off for me is the expense of lots of
> document scans looking for elements to initialize; I'm sure a larger app
> with many big custom components could end up spending a lot of cycles doing
> just that after every dynamic update. However, the appeal of going "id
> free" is compelling.

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