On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 2:06 PM, Dmitry Gusev <dmitry.gu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dmitry Gusev: +1 (non-binding)
> I like seeing that new Tapestry committers appear,
> but looking at git logs I see that (almost) the only core committer is
> Howard.
Well, I am the most invested in things.

> Other committers do some rare, though valuable, fixes and apply patches
> from JIRA.

And that is valuable in and off itself.

> From this point of view, it appears to me that having Tapestry committer
> status means
> you can apply patches, but not develop new functionality in core,
> which I would expect from Tapestry committer when voting for him.
No the problem is committers who are not committing. Tapestry is
specifically designed so that it can support a wide number of committers
with different skill sets: you don't have to be a bytecode wizard to make
significant improvements to the code base. I know I'd appreciate the help!

> We can see that most of tapestry5 development now is third party
> development
> which occurs on GitHub and other separate repositories, resulting in a
> tapestry-complement libraries,
> like tapestry5-jquery, tynamo, stitch, tapestry-bootstrap and many other
> wonderful projects.
> This is great, though, these projects stand aside from main tapestry
> development,
> and most of them appear outdated after new tapestry releases
> because they released separately from tapestry core.
> I'd really like to see more developers of those libraries as Tapestry
> committers so that they
> can support their own 3rd party libraries compatibilities as a part of main
> tapestry development,
> and may be hold tapestry core releases until all those libraries are
> up-to-date with new tapestry release.

We are open to active members of the community requesting committer status.
The worst result from that would be a reminder about Apache standards for
earning commit privileges.

That doesn't mean we should open up the floodgates!  Worse than few commits
or committers would be "dump-and-run" committers; we had some of that in
the T4 days.

> Not sure if this is the right place to ask, we can create a separate thread
> for this,
> but Lance, can you tell us what are you planning to do as a Tapestry
> committer?
> Is there any roadmap that you will follow?
> On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 11:43 PM, Kalle Korhonen
> <kalle.o.korho...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > Lance Semmens (aka Lance Java) has been one of the most active members on
> > the user list for the past two years. I've personally committed a few
> > patches from him and he is the maintainer of tapestry-stitch (
> > https://github.com/uklance/tapestry-stitch/), a collection of sample
> > components and concepts for Tapestry 5. Howard has spoke with him
> privately
> > and he's interested in joining as a committer. Vote to run for a minimum
> of
> > three days.
> >
> > Kalle Korhonen: +1 (non-binding)
> >
> --
> Dmitry Gusev
> AnjLab Team
> http://anjlab.com

Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator of Apache Tapestry

The source for Tapestry training, mentoring and support. Contact me to
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