The NOTICE file (in the Apache Taverna distribution, not inside
taverna-beanshell-activity.jar ) is presumably a prominent label.

I think we have several CDDL dependencies from Java XML and so, they are
also category-B. as long as they are JAR only then there is no "source

Beanshell 2.0b4 (SPL/LGPL) we have only ever used it as a jar from Maven
central. You need to go to to find the source code manually.
On 8 Jan 2015 16:05, "Andy Seaborne" <> wrote:

> On 08/01/15 13:03, Stian Soiland-Reyes wrote:
>> So for now then, the main thing would just be to include whatever
>> NOTICE markings are required by the Sun Public License and use the
>> 2.0b4 JAR as-is.
> It's not just NOTICE for category-B:
> """
> By attaching a prominent label to the distribution and *requiring an
> explicit action by the user* to get the reciprocally-licensed source, users
> are less likely to be unaware of restrictions significantly different from
> those of the Apache License.
> """
> My emphasis.
> Taverna may end up with processes around cat-B stuff so unless something
> else requires it as well, then avoiding now saves time in the long run and
> is nicer to users.
>         Andy

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