Github user nsuke commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: lib/cpp/src/thrift/concurrency/PosixThreadFactory.h ---
    @@ -39,7 +39,14 @@ class PosixThreadFactory : public ThreadFactory {
        * POSIX Thread scheduler policies
    +  class Policy {
    +  public:
    +    enum value {
    +      OTHER       = 0,
    +      FIFO        = 1,
    +      ROUND_ROBIN = 2
    +    };
    --- End diff --
    I understand your point, although I wouldn't personally do this as it feels 
fighting against language.
    If we do this, IMO we should introduce implicit conversion from inner enum 
to outer class to remove the `::value` in method signatures.
    But I think it's completely separate issue and should be handled separately 
from this patch.

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