We do still use jdk8 on our production services, unfortunately.

But a timeline like post-0.17.0 would *probably* work for us, as that gives
us some time to upgrade to 11 or 17.

On Thu, May 12, 2022 at 8:50 AM Jiayu Liu <ji...@hey.com.invalid> wrote:

> Hi dev@thrift,
> I've been working on the Java generator and library recently and have
> revamped the project a little bit, and for the most part, keeping all
> changes back compatible.
> Recently I've been thinking of introducing a breaking change: dropping
> the support of Java 8 and bumping the minimal supported version to Java
> 11.
> There are 2 main reasons for doing this:
> 1. while there are extended support by Oracle or AWS, generally Java 8
> is too old [1], while Java 11 is the next LTS version
> 2. there are good JDK level Http 2 and Web socket support [2] but only
> added since Java 11 - there are libraries that support Http 2 that can
> also work in Java 8 but having a non-library dependent code is
> preferable in many situations
> Would like to hear more feedback on whether this is a good idea, and
> when is a good timing (e.g. post release 0.17.0?).
> [1]: https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/java-se-support-
> roadmap.html
> [2]:
> https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/11/docs/api/java.net.http/java/net/http/HttpClient.html

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