On Thu, May 12, 2022 at 9:05 PM Jiayu Liu <ji...@hey.com.invalid> wrote:
> 1. sub-project `libthrift`, which is the current Java library, to be
> configured with --release flag [2] to target Java 8 (class file version,
> APIs)

This is already what happens today, if the version detected is >= JDK
9. However, I saw your changes in
And, I think that is nicer, because it enforces JDK 11 for building.
But it still produces Java 8 compatible binaries.

> 2. sub-project `cross-test`, which is split out from the existing
> project, to only contain cross test code, this way we can follow more
> gradle convention, reduce customized configurations (e.g. using
> `application` plugin instead of manually creating start scripts), and
> have stronger encapsulation

I thought the lib/kotlin directory basically served this purpose
already. Are there other cross-tests? Or are you proposing some other
move? It's not clear what you're proposing here.

> 3. sub-project `libthrift-jdk11`, similar to what Kotlin does [3] with
> their stdlib, to target JDK 11+. Both `libthrift` and this need to be
> published, the added overhead for publishing should be minimal given
> they share same config and process (signing, verification, etc.), and
> for users who are not eager to use newer version, no changes are needed
> on their side.

I don't see any benefit to doing that at all. There's not really any
benefit to producing Java 11 byte code from the same Java 8 source
files as what is in libthrift. This would only matter if there were
Java 11-specific improvements... and I don't see any interest here in
maintaining two versions of libthrift, one with Java 8 compatibility
and one with Java 11-specific changes. The libthrift built to be
compatible with Java 8 works perfectly fine on Java 11, so there's no
reason to have a separate artifact for Java 11 only.

> Regardless of making this change or not, I think we can start using Java
> 11 to compile with --release 8 flag, to ensure better encapsulation and
> version compatibility.

+1 to that. Although it already works that way today, I'll follow your
PR that is making improvements to how this is done.


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