On 3/14/2019 12:51 PM, Mark Thomas wrote:
On 14/03/2019 19:26, Igal Sapir wrote:
Does test.threads default to 1 for a reason?
Mostly historical. The tests weren't originally designed to run in parallel.

If there is no objection, I would like to set the default to the number
of available CPU Threads.  It looks like that can be done with a custom
Ant task which should be fairly simple to implement.
I over-ride it locally so I'm not going to be directly affected.

A custom Ant task seems a little over-engineered compared to setting a
property in build.properties.

I override it in build.properties as well, but I find myself doing it each time I download the sources for testing a tagged version, or at least copy the file from one version to another. If you're doing it in your dev directory and simply added "build.properties" to .gitignore then you are not affected by this.

I do wonder about CI systems. It is potentially a big change that might
take someone by surprise. We'll need to update some buildbot
configuration for example. I have visions of a CI system with lots of
cores running lots of builds in parallel suddenly grinding to a halt
because a Tomcat build suddenly tries to use every CPU. But I don't know
now likely that is.

I doubt that CI systems are that fragile/vulnerable.  AFAIK they launch a new VM to ensure isolation and a clean environment, or else they would fall apart any time someone pushes a build without considering the CI environment.

I guess I'm -0.
If it's just me then I can add a custom ENV variable to my profile, e.g.

    $ export ANT_OPTS=-Dtest.threads=8

but I thought that others are annoyed by this as well.



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