Bill Barker wrote:

Now, I'd prefer that TC is just the Servlet/JSP container that it is meant to be, and not try to add on proprietary features. But that is just me ;).

You are not the only one ;)
Seems we have lost the clear vision of the project somewhere
in the flame wars.

It has become a common rule rather then a exception that
code gets committed without any prior discussion.

Although this particular patch might be useful, bringing
it inside in the middle of the branch lifetime is something
unacceptable without prior discussion, notifying users
about TODO long before the actual release having that feature
will appear.

From a user PoV this makes each Tomcat release as *surprise*
with a question WTF changed from the last version.

Tomcat6 is now at version 6.0.14 and who can tell what 6.0.15
will look alike? Not to mention the 6.0.20 :)

This simply has to stop.


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