Mladen Turk wrote:
Jess Holle wrote:
P.S. I'd also like to quiet attempts to recover workers from errors to a lower (and by default unlogged) logging level. The transition of a worker into an error state should certainly be logged, but logging every time we find it to still be in an error state seems to be excessive -- at least for a sparsely populated port bank use case.
Everything you said is fine with me. I just did a functional
logic via watchdog thread and two basic use cases (maintain
and keepalive). The keepalive is meant to deal with firewalls
that tends to cut inactive connections.
As far as I'm concerned feel free to extend the logic so
it can deal with error states more intelligently.

... and of course, the plan is to implement something or
all of this to mod_proxy, but using a different mechanism.
Many modules needs some sort of out of the request cycle
detached maintenance, so I'll add a common mpm maintenance
thread to lower down the resource usage.
Do you have any /rough/ ideas of the timeframe in which you might get such a thread into mod_proxy?

Obviously I can start on mod_jk first.

Jess Holle

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