Hi Mark,

I have put the required information as a comment in the GSOC app. since it
seems editing the original proposal is disabled. I am posting the break down
here as well for the benefit of anyone else interested.

The breakdown by the packages is given below.

Package                                                            Days

org.apache.catalina                                            5

org.apache.catalina.authenticator                   4

org.apache.catalina.connector                         1

org.apache.catalina.core                                  10

org.apache.catalina.deploy                               3

org.apache.catalina.ha                                       2

org.apache.catalina.ha.authenticator               1

org.apache.catalina.ha.deploy                           1

org.apache.catalina.ha.session                        3

org.apache.catalina.ha.tcp                                  7

org.apache.catalina.loader                                  1

org.apache.catalina.mbeans                              3

Approx. - Mid evaluation

org.apache.catalina.realm                                   5

org.apache.catalina.session                               1

org.apache.catalina.startup                                  2

org.apache.catalina.tribes                                    2

org.apache.catalina.tribes.membership            1

org.apache.catalina.tribes.transport                    5

org.apache.catalina.users                                     1

org.apache.catalina.valves                                    6

org.apache.jasper.servlet                                      1



The basic criteria for this breakdown is the number of currently JMX
instrumented classes in each pacakge plus some insights I have about certain
pacakages that I am familiar with. I have left about 3 - 4 weeks buffer time
in case

   - Any other new packages are identified in the process which would need
JMX instrumentation.

   - Documentation if any

   - Bug fixes etc.

Any comments on this are appreciated if there are any issues with the
schedule (deviating from realistic values according to the work to be done)
since I may not have the whole idea about certain packages and the amount of
work that needs to be done in such packages, without some further study.

Best Regards,


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