Thanks for the detailed reply!

On 10/20/2010 7:03 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
On 20/10/2010 06:39, Jess Holle wrote:
  On 10/20/2010 5:45 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
On 19/10/2010 08:56, Mark Thomas wrote:
Ping. Just a gentle reminder that there are ~2 days left for this vote.
So far we have 1 vote for beta and no other votes.
Sorry - it should have said ~1 day above. I've been traveling and got my
dates mixed up. I'll leave the vote open for another 24 hours or so.

Currently there are 4 votes for beta (2*PMC, 1*committer, 1*contributor)
so we need at least 1 more PMC vote in order to proceed with this
As someone trying to figure out when to take the plunge into Tomcat 7,
but needing something that is definitely "stable", is there any sort of
list as to what hurdles remain to be cleared before considering Tomcat 7
is considered "stable"?
My own view is that to be considered stable, Tomcat 7 needs to meet the
following criteria:
1. Implement all aspects of Servlet 3.0, JSP 2.2, EL 2.2
2. Pass all unit tests with all three HTTP connectors
4. Pass all relevant TCKs with the security manager enabled
    - Servlet TCK with all three HTTP connectors and both AJP connectors
    - JSP TCK with any connector
    - EL TCK (doesn't use web requests)
4. Have no 'significant' open bugs
5. Have reasonable adoption
6. Have a couple of releases with no 'serious' bugs emerging

In term of progress:
1. Done (to the best of my knowledge).
2. It does.
3. It does (as have all 7.0.x releases).
4. There is currently 1 (yes one!) open bug without a patch across
5.5.x, 6.0.x and 7.0.x so I think we can call this one done.
5. Based on some analysis of download requests and the number and
quality of bug reports I am happy that there is reasonable adoption at
this stage.
6. I see this as the only thing between 7.0.x and stability.

Serious is subjective but the sort of things I would include are:
- anything that requires a major refactoring to fix
- anything that breaks typical use cases

As an example, I would consider another bug 49884 serious due to both
the async issues it caused and the scale of the refactoring required to
fix. I wouldn't consider another 50072 serious mainly because that issue
has been present in the 6.0.x code base and hasn't been a problem (at
least not one folks have reported).

So in summary, if 7.0.4 and 7.0.5 go well, things are looking good for



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