I haven't had a chance to dig into the differences on the jakartaee-api jars 
like I did for the javaee-api jars.  Is it at all possible you could create a 
diff like this one?

 - https://gist.github.com/dblevins/7535757fb8eceb51ed30ae9b705f9cbf/revisions

I basically built each, did a `jar tvf javaee-api-8.0-5.jar | cut -c 37-` and 
pasted that output into a gist, then did it again against the 
javaee-api-8.0-6.jar and updated the content in the gist.

It'd be super helpful.

I did look at the commits, but with maven transitive deps and such I don't 
really trust myself to eyeball it correctly.


> On May 24, 2022, at 6:44 AM, Jean-Louis Monteiro <jlmonte...@tomitribe.com> 
> wrote:
> Alright, time for a new update.
> TomEE 8.x with JDK8 and EE8 is equivalent to TomEE 9.x with JDK11/JDK17 and
> EE9.
> The build is still not full green, but it's time to start grabbing user
> feedback as we discussed.
> So the work started to take every single piece we fixed or patched to start
> doing releases and if possible run TCK + signature Tests.
> David did activation and mail milestones. Richard used the milestone to fix
> and we are now under vote for activation 2.0 final and Richard is making
> some awesomeness on the mail spec and impl. We should be able to get final
> versions soon.
> We also have an OWB vote starting today for a jakarta compatible version
> (including TCK).
> Next step is to release a milestone for jakartaee-api 9.1-M2 and move on.
> --
> Jean-Louis Monteiro
> http://twitter.com/jlouismonteiro
> http://www.tomitribe.com
> On Thu, May 12, 2022 at 9:29 AM Wiesner, Martin <
> martin.wies...@hs-heilbronn.de> wrote:
>> +1
>> Best
>> Martin
>> —
>> https://twitter.com/mawiesne
>> Am 11.05.2022 um 19:00 schrieb Cesar Hernandez <cesargu...@gmail.com
>> <mailto:cesargu...@gmail.com>>:
>> +1, Thank you!
>> El mié, 11 may 2022 a las 9:06, Daniel Dias Dos Santos (<
>> daniel.dias.analist...@gmail.com<mailto:daniel.dias.analist...@gmail.com>>)
>> escribió:
>> +1
>> On Wed, May 11, 2022, 12:00 Zowalla, Richard <
>> richard.zowa...@hs-heilbronn.de<mailto:richard.zowa...@hs-heilbronn.de>>
>> wrote:
>> I am fine with it: +1
>> ________________________________
>> Von: Jean-Louis Monteiro <jlmonte...@tomitribe.com<mailto:
>> jlmonte...@tomitribe.com>>
>> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 11. Mai 2022 15:57:54
>> An: dev@tomee.apache.org<mailto:dev@tomee.apache.org>
>> Betreff: Re: TomEE 9.x - from javax to jakarta namespace
>> Alright, with the latest changes pushed yesterday and today, we are now
>> at
>> the exact same numbers for TomEE 8.x / Jakarta EE 8 under JDK8 and TomEE
>> 9.x / Jakarta 9.1 under JDK17.
>> If everyone is ok with it, we can create a new milestone and give users
>> the
>> opportunity to provide us with some feedback and to report bugs.
>> --
>> Jean-Louis Monteiro
>> http://twitter.com/jlouismonteiro
>> http://www.tomitribe.com
>> On Tue, May 10, 2022 at 7:06 PM David Blevins <david.blev...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Was checking out the TCK numbers this morning can make to suggest a
>> 9.0.0-M8 while things look good and found this amazing email.
>> The 9.0.x branch is looking absolutely amazing!!!
>> What do we think about pushing out a 9.0.0-M8 while things are in their
>> peak-stable state?  I'm sure we'll have to rip up a few more things to
>> finish off the remaining Jakarta EE and MP TCK issues.  Would be great
>> to
>> have something that isn't M7 to fallback on as a reference point to
>> track
>> regressions.
>> Thoughts?
>> -David
>> On May 10, 2022, at 3:56 AM, Jean-Louis Monteiro <
>> jlmonte...@tomitribe.com<mailto:jlmonte...@tomitribe.com>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Time for some reporting....
>> On our journey to migrate TomEE over from javax to jakarta namespace,
>> we
>> had many issues.
>> After updating all our code, we had to do a bunch of dependency
>> upgrades
>> after upgrading many of them (OpenWebbeans, BVal, Geronimo, etc).
>> We then faced many issues with non compatible libraries for example
>> (ActiveMQ, commons-dbcp, CXF, sxc, taglib, etc). So we ended up
>> repacking
>> them in our own groupId after using the Maven Shade plugin to
>> relocate
>> the
>> packages.
>> We worked on BVal TCK and CDI TCK and we are close to passing them.
>> But we had before to solve all our outdated MicroProfile 1.3 stack to
>> the
>> most recent and jakarta compatible version. Geronimo implementations
>> being
>> far being, we decided to use some SmallRye implementations until we
>> can
>> dedicate some time to update our Apache implementations (config,
>> metrics,
>> health, openapi, opentracing, fault tolerance).
>> Our build is now more stable, but still not green. Some issues are
>> basically easy to fix and most people could do it (examples for
>> instance).
>> https://ci-builds.apache.org/job/Tomee/job/master-build-full/
>> The integration for openapi, opentracing and fault tolerance is not
>> done
>> and we are far from passing the TCK. On config, metrics and health we
>> are
>> close. Same for our JWT implementation.
>> I also wanted to have a view on the platform TCK, so I decided to
>> stop
>> TomEE work in order to spend time on the Platform TCK to do all
>> dependency
>> upgrades and get the TCK to run properly. I'm pleased to announce
>> that
>> after 2 weeks of hard work, we are 99% compatible
>> https://tck.work/tomee/build?id=1652104572445
>> Thanks everyone for the help.
>> Keep going and if you need some guidance or help, let us know.
>> For coordination purposes, here is the issue
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TOMEE-3862
>> Many subtasks are there and you can create new tasks when needed and
>> ask
>> any committer to assign it to you.
>> --
>> Jean-Louis Monteiro
>> http://twitter.com/jlouismonteiro
>> http://www.tomitribe.com
>> On Thu, May 5, 2022 at 11:13 AM Zowalla, Richard <
>> richard.zowa...@hs-heilbronn.de> wrote:
>> Yes - we already yanked it in 9.x
>> Gruß
>> Richard
>> Am Donnerstag, dem 05.05.2022 um 10:10 +0100 schrieb Jonathan
>> Gallimore:
>> Sounds good. I'll drop the transformer from the 8.x branch (looks
>> like we
>> don't use it in 9.x), and I'll create a single example to
>> demonstrate
>> it in
>> a sandbox.
>> Jon
>> On Wed, May 4, 2022 at 12:32 PM Zowalla, Richard <
>> richard.zowa...@hs-heilbronn.de<mailto:richard.zowa...@hs-heilbronn.de>>
>> wrote:
>> You are right - we can remove it imho from 8.x as we do not test
>> with
>> it and the transformed samples might not even work, e.g.
>> dependencies
>> are not migrated, etc.
>> +1 for providing a (bigger) example.
>> Gruß
>> Richard
>> Am Mittwoch, dem 04.05.2022 um 11:17 +0100 schrieb Jonathan
>> Gallimore:
>> I've picked up a task related to the examples:
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TOMEE-3873. I specifically
>> went
>> for
>> this, as I added the Eclipse Transformer to the build for a
>> number of
>> examples in the past, back when we were doing the transformation
>> process on
>> TomEE itself. The drawbacks here is that any tests in the
>> examples
>> run on
>> the javax code, and we just "assume" that the transformed
>> artifact
>> works. I
>> would suggest removing that for the master build, as it just
>> takes
>> build
>> time, and the examples should be transformed from javax to
>> jakarta at
>> source (if they aren't already). On the TomEE 8 build, we could
>> select a
>> few examples (no need to do them all) and find a way to run the
>> tests
>> on
>> both javax and jakarta versions of TomEE.
>> Additionally, it would likely be useful to add documentation to
>> this.
>> If we
>> also wanted a bigger example application that specifically covers
>> transformation, I could look at that too.
>> What do you think?
>> Jon
>> On Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 12:58 PM Jean-Louis Monteiro <
>> jlmonte...@tomitribe.com<mailto:jlmonte...@tomitribe.com>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've been working for quite a long time on TomEE 9.x, and it's
>> been
>> more
>> challenging and painful than I was expecting. I thought it
>> would be
>> good to
>> give you some sort of status.
>> I created a PR for the work. As a reminder, since Java EE moved
>> to
>> Eclipse
>> to become Jakarta EE, we had a switch from javax.* namespace to
>> jakarta.*
>> namespace. This is an impacting change, since all applications
>> and
>> applications servers are built on top of it.
>> In TomEE, we decided to do that change in TomEE. We had
>> previously
>> a
>> bytecode change approach like an application could do. It
>> worked
>> and we
>> were able to get certified. But it had a lot of limitations, so
>> we
>> had to
>> do the migration in the code and fix all compatibility issues.
>> Here is the PR https://github.com/apache/tomee/pull/814
>> It has 90+ commits and nearly 5000 files touched (added,
>> removed,
>> updated).
>> I understand it's a lot and it makes it almost impossible to
>> review. But I
>> did not see much approaches in this scenario to create smaller
>> PRs.
>> I created a Jenkins build though available at
>> https://ci-builds.apache.org/job/Tomee/job/master-build-quick-9.x/
>> It makes it possible to track the progress. There have been
>> steps
>> forward
>> and steps backward.
>> All the code does not sit under TomEE, we use a bunch of third
>> party
>> projects and libraries. I have been able to contribute, publish
>> jakarta
>> compatible versions and get releases for some of them (Jakarta
>> EE
>> APIs Uber
>> jar, Geronimo Connectors and Transaction Manager, Geronimo
>> Config,
>> Health,
>> Metrics, OpenTracing, OpenAPI. OpenJPA, BVal, and OpenWebBeans
>> will
>> be
>> released soon.
>> The big parts is CXF, and ActiveMQ. I had to get them done in
>> TomEE
>> and
>> update all group/artifact ids. It's under deps, alongside with
>> SXC,
>> DBCP,
>> and others.
>> In terms of removal, I tried to remove old stuff like SAAJ Axis
>> 1
>> integration, JAX RPC, Management J2EE and a couple of other old
>> things.
>> A lot of other libraries got updated to their latest version
>> when
>> available
>> in the new jakarta namespace.
>> I'm starting to get all the build stable and many modules are
>> passing now,
>> including all CXF webservices, OpenEJB Core, and others. I can
>> get
>> a build
>> and run TomEE.
>> Goal is to get a green build asap so we can start working on
>> TCK.
>> The "quick" build is now green. Working on the full build.
>> I'll soon be creating a branch for TomEE 8.x maintenance and
>> merge
>> the PR.
>> I'm hoping we can then have small PRs or at least more people
>> working in
>> parallel.
>> --
>> Jean-Louis Monteiro
>> http://twitter.com/jlouismonteiro
>> http://www.tomitribe.com
>> --
>> Atentamente:
>> César Hernández.

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