Hey ladies,

some good news:

We are now passing the JAX-RS part of the EE9.1 tck with the latest CXF
4.0.3-SNAPSHOT [1]. Don't bother about the json-p failures, which are
unrelated (they are also failing for our shading approach and TomEE 10,
so no regression here).

Overall, I think, that we can now drop our CXF 3.5.5 Shade for TomEE
9.1.x and TomEE 10 and use the "native" Jakarta version of CXF instead.

The CXF guys plan to do a release in Mid/End of September, so we can
live with a SNAPSHOT for now imho.

Any objections in bringing it into 10 _and_ 9.1.x ?


[1] https://tck.work/tomee/build?id=1693492927456
[2] https://github.com/apache/tomee/pull/1061
[3] https://github.com/apache/tomee/pull/1062

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