Philipp Lohmann wrote:

Hi there!

[... snip ...]

Name calling aside: what about issues concerning extensions ? Right now I have to move the target from the correct "milestone 1" of an extension to "3.3" or some such to satisfy EIS. Which is kind of bogus. However the CWS should be "3.4" or some such since that marks into which repository code line the CWS will get integrated.

Testing the CWS Release setting and Issues target settings are two tests and the release test would be OK in this case now since the 3.4 setting is now there for the DEV300 codeline. So in this case only the later has a problem. I think here the issue is similar as with the issue of the first poster in this thread: If you think "milestone 1" should be a valid task target let´s say on the DEV300 codeline which I suppose you do than ask a program manager to configure this for EIS if it is currently not yet allowed. This has to be done just once and than from than on you and others can use that "milestone 1" target on issues for the DEV300 codeline and you would not need to use a bogus setting just to "satisfy" EIS. Bogus settings on the CWSes to "satisfy" the tooling can not be the right solution the tools (EIS in this case) should be configured at the right end or enhanced to reflect the actual needs instead!

Just my 2 cents, pl

Kind regards,
Bernd Eilers

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