Maybe, but AFAIK this is a perl expression and should be used when configured with pcre, not regex...

----- Original Message ----- From: "Alejandro Guerrieri" <>
To: "Nikos Balkanas" <>
Cc: "Milan P. Stanic" <>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 12:23 PM
Subject: Re: Patch: gw/urltrans.c

Of course you can do the "[Aa][Bb][Cc]" trick! That was the reason while Alex and I told you that case sensitivity mattered and we were against your point about disabling it on the first place...

While this method works fine, it's a lot harder to maintain. Being able to use "i" would simplify things imho. Not a show-stopper, but would improve things.

A similar issue occurs with latin accents (and also the "ρ" in spanish). You usually want to accept accented words as well. Time ago, we solved it by using [Aaα] [Eeι] ... [NnΡρ] etc. Of course this wouldn't be solved with the "i" switch and would still need the bracket trick to work, but at least it would be simpler and more readable than having each and every letter between brackets in upper and lower case.

Alejandro Guerrieri

On 31/08/2010, at 00:40, Nikos Balkanas wrote:

Not really. kannel normally uses regex for regexp. If compiled with pcre, then it will expand patterns to include pcre. However, for simple folks, as Alex M indicated, the possibility with plain regex is still there:

keyword-regex = [Cc][Aa][Pp][Ss]

will match all case permutations of "Caps". No need for "i" switches. It should be more efficient as well.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Alejandro Guerrieri" <>
To: "Milan P. Stanic" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 7:36 PM
Subject: Re: Patch: gw/urltrans.c

Afaik, Kannel uses pcre for regexps.

Not sure if it's possible to pass parameters as it is now, but seems like a possible course of action.

Alejandro Guerrieri

On 30/08/2010, at 18:33, Milan P. Stanic wrote:

On Mon, 2010-08-30 at 17:33, Rene Kluwen wrote:
I agree here. Regexps are by default not case sensitive, unless the i-modifier is set.

Isn't internal option setting an option? Like they do here:

Example: (?i:foo)

This example is PCRE, I think. Kannel regex is POSIX compatible.

Kind regards,  Milan
Arvanta, IT Security
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