Mathieu Bridon <bochecha <at>> writes:

> Right now, if I want to start an app, I just hit alt+f2, type the first
> few letters, hit tab and then enter.
> No zoom, no search, no expose, no workspaces, no dash.
> Just see it that way: you have one powerful interface to do advanced
> stuff (reorganizing windows, editing your favorites, searching,...) and
> a few simple keyboard shortcuts to do those same actions faster:
> - alt+f2 to run an app
> - ctrl+alt+arrow up/down to change workspace
> Etc...

Tried and true advice for the broken _graphical_ UI - just use keyboard
shortcuts, type etc. Straight back to the 80s.

> Nothing broken here.

If _nothing_ was broken, you wouldn't have to resort to shortcuts (which can, of
course, be added to most UIs - this is not in question).

> It's obvious that Gnome 3 doesn't work for you.

It does - in fallback mode. It's very nice, actually. I would like to continue
using Gnome, otherwise I wouldn't discuss any of it here.


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