On Tue, 2013-05-14 at 15:51 -0600, Chris Murphy wrote:
> This is not intended to be snarky, but I admit it could sound like it is.  
> When are long startup times for services considered to be bugs in their own 
> right?
> [root@f19q ~]# systemd-analyze blame
>       1min 444ms sm-client.service
>       1min 310ms sendmail.service
>         18.602s firewalld.service
>          13.882s avahi-daemon.service
>          12.944s NetworkManager-wait-online.service
>          12.715s restorecond.service
>           2.911s abrt-uefioops.service
>           2.792s NetworkManager.service
>           2.634s spice-vdagentd.service
>           2.589s iprinit.service
>           2.583s iprupdate.service
>           2.319s chronyd.service
> 10 seconds for a service seems obscene. 1 minute is so bad it's hilarious, 
> but also really annoying. I feel like filing a bug against anything that 
> takes more than 1/2 second but maybe that's being overly generous (by filing 
> the bug, that is).
> In sendmail's defense, the time is about the same on F18. (It's consistently 
> a bit faster in an F19 VM running on the same F18 system as host.)
> But firewalld goes from 7 seconds to 18 seconds? Why? avahi-daemon, 
> restorecond, all are an order of magnitude longer on F19 than F18. It's a 3+ 
> minute userspace hit on the startup time where the kernel takes 1.9 seconds. 
> Off hand this doesn't seem reasonable, especially sendmail. If the time can't 
> be brought down by a lot, can it ship disabled by default?
> Chris Murphy
See this bug:
Can you provide from console hostnamectl ?

Best Regards,
Igor Gnatenko

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