Just in case anyone wonders: I can understand Jeff's motivation to rationalize the libraries name with what is in it. There is no "OpenRTE" any more - it has truly become the "OMPI RTE" - so I sympathize with what he was trying to do.

That said, I truly don't have strong feelings either way on this proposal, so whatever is decided is just fine with me. My local customer base never sees the library name, and doesn't care what it is called.

On Nov 7, 2008, at 4:38 AM, Terry Dontje wrote:

I do not see the real value in doing this name change. The name "OMPI Run Time Environment" and libopen_rte.so are not that far from each other. Changing a bunch of Makefile.am's at this point in the game for what I consider a minor cosmetic difference just makes little sense to me. On the technical side what I hate about this is Sun is about to release its second distribution base on 1.3. If the below change goes through this guarrantees that the next CT release will be incompatible with CT8.1. Now we can go through the discussion of whether such a compatibility will exist aside from this change but it would be nice to try and stabilize the items we have. I have very little confidence that if we change the library name to libompi_rte.so that at the end of 1.4 we decide it should be named something else. I also wonder if we do change the rte library if we should also change the name of libopen_pal.so.

Anyways, Sun votes no on this rfe.


Jeff Squyres wrote:
WHAT: Rename libopen-rte to be libompi-rte (and probably other supporting text)

WHY: ORTE is really quite specific to OMPI. We decided long ago that ORTE would not split off from OMPI, and it has been specifically tailored for OMPI. Indeed, Ralph has recently been expanding "ORTE" to "OMPI Run Time Environment". So let's name the library what it really is.

WHERE: See attached patch; basically, a bunch of Makefile.am's

WHEN: Before v1.3

TIMEOUT: Teleconference, Tues 11 Nov 2008


The change is fairly minor, and 98% of OMPI users won't notice. Only those who are not using wrapper compilers properly will notice the change (and they should be using the wrapper compilers; we strongly recommended that everyone either directly use the wrapper compilers to compile/link their apps, or use the wrappers to get the required flags [including library names] to compile/link their apps).

I don't know if Sun has any policies about library name changes between versions, or if it'll create problems since CT8 has already been released. As a history note, we changed this library name in v1.2 from "liborte" to "libopen-rte". This would be another change.


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