> On Jan 31, 2018, at 8:33 AM, r...@open-mpi.org wrote:
>> On Jan 31, 2018, at 7:36 AM, Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) <jsquy...@cisco.com> 
>> wrote:
>> On Jan 31, 2018, at 10:14 AM, Gilles Gouaillardet 
>> <gilles.gouaillar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I tried to push some trivial commits directly to the master branch and
>>> was surprised that is no more allowed.
>>> The error message is not crystal clear, but I guess the root cause is
>>> the two newly required checks (Commit email checker and
>>> Signed-off-by-checker) were not performed.
>> That is probably my fault; I was testing something and didn't mean to leave 
>> that enabled.  Oops -- sorry.  :-(
>> That being said -- is it a terrible thing to require a PR to ensure that we 
>> get a valid email address (e.g., not a "root@localhost") and that we have a 
>> proper signed-off-by line?
>>> /* note if the commit is trivial, then it is possible to add the following 
>>> line
>>> [skip ci]
>>> into the commit message, so Jenkins will not check the PR. */
>> We've had some discussions about this on the Tuesday calls -- the point was 
>> made that if you allow skipping CI for "trivial" commits, it starts you down 
>> the slippery slope of precisely defining what "trivial" means.  Indeed, I 
>> know that I have been guilty of making a "trivial" change that ended up 
>> breaking something.
>> FWIW, I have stopped using the "[skip ci]" stuff -- even if I made docs-only 
>> changes.  I.e., just *always* go through CI.  That way there's never any 
>> question, and never any possibility of a human mistake (e.g., accidentally 
>> marking "[skip ci]" on a PR that really should have had CI).
> If CI takes 30 min, then not a problem - when CI takes 6 hours (as it 
> sometimes does), then that’s a different story.

If CI takes more than about 30 minutes, something’s broke.  Unfortunately, 
Jenkins makes that particular problem hard to deal with (monitoring for job 
length).  I have some thoughts on how to make it better for the OMPI Jenkins, 
but am short on implementation time.  So if we have any volunteers to help 
here… :)

I have no objections to PR-only for master.  The other option is pre-commit 
hooks, but that’s kind of ugly.  We allow “rebase and merge” if people don’t 
like the merge commits on trunk.  Also makes updating NEWS/README items easier 
when we eventually get that workflow built (because you can change the message 
later with a PR, but not a commit).

We can also experiment with adding GitHub messages to the PR when CI completes, 
if people would like an async notification...

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