I support packages with the option to use dependencies in mobile OS :
- about Sailfish OS, I feel managing RPM packages is faster than than DEB packages; - current (2013) smartphones are fast (dual or quad core @ > 1,0 GHz, fast flash memory, etc), equivalent to low cost net/notebooks some years ago, so it is not a problem to have repositories with thousands of packages; - one great advantage of GNU Linux mobile OS (Maemo, MeeGo, Mer/Nemo Mobile, Sailfish, etc) is the availability of thousands of libraries ported from desktop Linux developed, e.g., we can have a software with GUI made with 500 QML lines of source code using a library (with 200,000 C/C++ lines of source code, developed after 15 years by thousands of developers) as dependency; - if some developer wants to include dependencies in its rpm package, yes, it can, it has this freedom.

As I've read today, we can submit .rpm packages using dependencies from Mer/Nemo Mobile repositories, only Jolla Harbour doesn't host dependencies itself. So it is just a matter of the community support Mer/Nemo Mobile to include desired libraries, tools, etc. And/or use OpenRepos so each developer has its needed dependencies.

    So let us start submitting our Sailfish softwares, sailors !

        Best regards,


Em 06-11-2013 18:28, Attila Csipa escreveu:
On 06-Nov-13 09:33, Marcin M. wrote:
And somehow Debian and Ubuntu and ... do well it with real depends...

Debian, Ubuntu (and the whole desktop Linux world) is a very different setup from the classic appstore setup (so no orphaned packages/apps, less packages, less metadata, less frequent updates/releases, unlimited CPU/RAM/network). Ubuntu, with the limitation of apt (and yes, I'm a Ubuntu user, and love apt-get-ing) sucked on Maemo once the number of packages went to the thousands (and real stores are with app numbers in the hundred-thousands). It took ages (and a boatload of battery/CPU/flash) just to see if there is an update for something. And I'm not saying this as a plug for RPM-based repositories, for an appstore setup, they are almost as bad.

A dependency system can be really helpful. It's just that the environment changed a bit since the '90s, so while you can implement proof-of-concept level stores in an old-school Linux style packet management (see the Maemo experience), it can hardly scale to the proportions and use-cases modern appstores are aiming at.

Best regards,
Attila Csipa

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