Em 06-11-2013 19:26, Attila Csipa escreveu:
On 06-Nov-13 13:05, Roberto Colistete Jr. wrote:
- current (2013) smartphones are fast (dual or quad core @ > 1,0 GHz,
fast flash memory, etc), equivalent to low cost net/notebooks some years
ago, so it is not a problem to have repositories with thousands of

Luckily we all live in the world where everyone has (the equivalent of) Nexus 5+ hardware and a free and steady LTE connection. Not. And yes it's a problem. How bad is it? Well, for one, the updates are polling-based (did you say 2013?). You're wasting hundreds of megabytes of flash space for things you have no use for (effectively, you cannot update once you run out of space, and as the app catalog grows, your free space will be going down even if you don't touch anything). You're wasting battery life (those zippy CPUs are like a race-car engine, press on the pedal and watch your tank dry!). I did a test with a clocked-up N900 back in the day (comparison to "big" Ubuntu in a 100K app scenario), and it was pretty defeating (far more than just "add a core and double the clock, and it's going to be fine").

No need of Nexus 5 hardware. Almost all smartphones are current dual core and some quad core, all > 1.0 GHz each core. The CPU of the 1st Jolla smartphone I expect to be 4-6 times the speed of Nokia N9.

    And Mer/Nemo Mobile/Sailfish don't use .deb, but .rpm packages.
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