
Selon Alessandro Portale <alessan...@casaportale.de>:
> Hi, I am not familiar with the Cairo API. But Qt's pendant (code named
> "Arthur") should offer about the same functionality. It should be
> available in the Qt C++ API and be supported in SailfishOS.
> See the QPainter documentation:
>    http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qpainter.html
You're right. My point was not to oppose this and that library. Discovering Qt
world with Sailfish, while coming from a GLib/Cairo/Gtk one, I would say that I
feel quite at home with Qt. It is pleasant to develop with both in fact (thanks
Qt for running the Glib loop events for free).

My point about bringing Glib/Cairo to harbour (already in Mer, thus Sailfish)
was that, as someone here pointed out already, it allows to reuse code already
written and just add a new UI (Silica QML) to it.

I would say also that in my opinion, it is better to do this than restart from
scratch since already in use code may have less bug than a newly written one,
since it has been more tested already. So been able to use other low-level
libraries than Qt would be good for the Sailfish ecosystem. Of course, for the
UI part, one would stick to silica.

Have a nice day,

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