
2013/12/17 Damien Caliste <dcali...@free.fr>:
>> think you need an API (library or QML import) for your Harbour app that
>> is not yet approved, let us know on sailfish-devel.
> I posted before about the Glib stack with Cairo,   that propose a stable API, 
> that may help to port applications to Sailfish. Namely, glib-2.0, gobject-2.0 
> and cairo-1.0, plus some other low-level libraries, like libsoup, libcurl or 
> libjpeg-turbo. I know they are low level and Qt provides abstractions for 
> them, but when porting, it's easier to keep these low level libraries, which 
> have a stable API anyway. QML is used for UI on Sailfish in that case with 
> these low level backends (already available in Mer).
> What do you think ?

glib-2.0 is going to be allowed soon. gobject-2.0 very likely also.

For the others, I've added them to the list of libraries/APIs we'll
review and think about adding. Where features overlap (e.g. libcurl +
libsoup), we'll probably pick only one of them. In that specific case,
we'll probably pick libcurl, as it has a good, controlled history of
ABI stability / proper soversioning:
http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/abi.html - libsoup on the other hand has
changed API in major ways between 2.2 and 2.4, for example:

As Artem mentioned in a later post to this thread, if you really
really want to have a library and it's not supported, you can always
include it as shared library (or link it statically if the license
allows) in your app. See https://harbour.jolla.com/faq for where you
should put these libs.

HTH :)
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