
On Mon, 20 Jan 2014 23:27:02 Hannes Rantzsch wrote:
> I'm trying to get the content of a website. Since SilicaWebView doesn't
> seem to provide this, I want to write a C++ class that does. QWebView
> from QtWebKit should be able to do this (this example is actually
> perfect:
> http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qtwebkitexamples-webkitwidgets-domtraversal-e
> xample.html).
> However, I cannot include QWebView (no such file [...]) and including
> "QtWebKit/QtWebKit" does not give me the QWebView either.
> I did add "QT += webkit" to my .pro-file.
> What am I missing?

QWebPage is in WebKit widgets.

QT += webkitwidgets

But widgets aren't supported.

If you don't need to display the web page, you can use QWebFrame and follow 
the example you linked to from there.


Aaron McCarthy
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list

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