most of extra packages are not preinstalled by default. you should install development packages using SDK Control Center, and add dependencies to your yaml/spec for installing all required packages on target devices.

On 06.02.2014 01:52, Samuli Silvius wrote:

So how to find what Qxxx classes are supported and what not?
E.g. this porting guide suggest to use
QT += webkitwidgets

But if I try that Jolla SDK just says
 error: Unknown module(s) in QT: webkitwidgets

Is there any way to use "QWebPage" to be able get hands on to web pages DOM? I don't need to show webpage or edit it just parse and find something. If it's not possible, then I guess have to try proposed QXmlStreamReader, it's more low level I guess?


2014-01-28 Aaron McCarthy < <>>:

    On Fri, 24 Jan 2014 22:40:43 Hannes Rantzsch wrote:
    > no, unfortunately I didn't get it working. Had no time for further
    > fiddling around yet.
    > Yeah, XMLHttpRequest looked nice to me too first. But the page I
    > does not offer anything for that. Just plain html.
    > I would still like to get QWebFrame working, as Aaron suggested.
    > now someone has an idea what kind of configurations are needed
    to get it in?

    Unfortunately QWebFrame seems to be part of Qt WebKit Widgets as
    well. I
    suggest looking at what functionality is provided by Qt WebKit and
    see if that
    meets you needs. Depending on the complexity of the HTML that you
    want to
    parse and what you want to extract out of it, it is possible to use
    QXmlStreamReader perhaps with some pre-processing.


    Aaron McCarthy
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