Thank you very much, I've just tested my game using the XDG basedir and it
worked so I can continue my port of the game by modifying the rest of the

Just one question, will the folders under .config/.cache/.local be removed
if I uninstall the game? I've noticed that using the XDG basedir to read
the environment variables I get something like: ..../..../<MyGameName> but
no folder is created, so I programmatically created the <MyGameName> folder
and placed my config (read/write) files.

Since the GUI from the emulator doesn't uninstall the actual game I ssh
into the emulator and called "zypper remove <MyGameName>" and it was
uninstalled but the folders with all their contents I had created weren't
erased. If this happens in the actual device then at some point there isn't
going to be any space available on the device.
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