Thank you, a big burden has been lifted.

I can now start debugging the game on the actual device since the emulator
doesn't support landscape mode.

On 14 March 2014 12:53, Thomas Perl <> wrote:

> On 14 Mar 2014, at 11:37, Ove Kåven <> wrote:
> > Den 13. mars 2014 19:22, skrev Iosif Hamlatzis:
> >> Thank you very much, I've just tested my game using the XDG basedir and
> >> it worked so I can continue my port of the game by modifying the rest of
> >> the code.
> >>
> >> Just one question, will the folders under .config/.cache/.local be
> >> removed if I uninstall the game? I've noticed that using the XDG basedir
> >> to read the environment variables I get something like:
> >> ..../..../<MyGameName> but no folder is created, so I programmatically
> >> created the <MyGameName> folder and placed my config (read/write) files.
> >>
> >> Since the GUI from the emulator doesn't uninstall the actual game I ssh
> >> into the emulator and called "zypper remove <MyGameName>" and it was
> >> uninstalled but the folders with all their contents I had created
> >> weren't erased. If this happens in the actual device then at some point
> >> there isn't going to be any space available on the device.
> >
> > I think you shouldn't worry about it, just leave the files in $HOME
> alone. I believe one of the reasons Jolla Harbour is trying to enforce that
> Harbour apps only write app-specific stuff into $HOME/.config/appname
> (instead of anywhere it likes under $HOME) is so that it will be easy for
> the Jolla Store to remove that directory when uninstalling. I don't think
> it does it yet, but it appears to be what they want it to do eventually. In
> any case, the rpm itself shouldn't worry about it.
> Exactly right :) Your RPM doesn't need to worry about it (in fact, can't -
> there's no way at package build time to determine what XDG will resolve to
> at runtime), and following the directory rules means the system can show
> per-app disk usage, allow users to clear the cache directory (even while
> the app is still installed, that's why it's called "cache" - no data in
> cache should be something that can't be deleted between invocations without
> losing user data), allow users to reset the app configuration (again, while
> the app is still installed - resetting the configuration without affecting
> the user data; that's why you should only put configuration settings in the
> config dir, and put user data into the data dir) can have per-app backup
> and restore and can clear app data on app uninstall, have per-TOH
> "profiles" for certain apps (example: TODO list with work TOH shows
> different contents than TODO list with party TOH), etc...
> And as Ove pointed out, this is not done yet, but will be done at some
> point in the future (having apps put their data into the right subfolder
> [named like the app name] of XDG basedir is a prerequisite for that) - in
> any case, something that app developers shouldn't need to worry about
> implementing themselves, just follow the XDG basedir spec with the addition
> of using the app name as subdirectory (as described in the Harbour FAQ) and
> expect that the system will handle clearing and backing up of cache, config
> and data (eventually).
> HTH :)
> Thomas
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