On Thursday 22 May 2014 15:18 David Greaves wrote:
> There's been enough noise on this mailing list recently that some people
> have felt they don't want to participate.
> We need to be careful about over-policing discussions but there is such a
> thing as under-policing too.
> How would we (community, not Jolla) determine the line? and what measures do
> we think should be taken?
> Lorn pointed to this as a useful document:
>   http://www.kde.org/code-of-conduct/
> FWIW I personally don't think there's anything happened recently that I
> would actually take action over. My delete key works fine and history shows
> that sometimes cries for help come in strange forms.
> David/lbt
> PS This thread is for generic guidelines - please keep any specific issues
> out of it.

I think grievances about the community or Jolla should be allowed to a certain 
degree. Non-relevant personal attacks and/or trolling should not be allowed 

These things won't happen often - if they do there is something wrong that 
should solved instead. Communication is vital for a community to survive. 
Personally I've just left another community, that has been very important for 
me for 2½ years, for the lack of same.

KDEs CoC is an excellent skeleton to use btw.

Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards

Thomas Tanghus
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