My SDL2 game was just rejected for two reasons.

1. For consuming too much battery
2. swipe closing gesture not working as it should

I would like to address first the second remark and then go to the first.

*Rejection Reason 2:*
Specifically the rejection reason states:

" Your application is coded to landscape mode. This makes the swipe closing
gesture not working as it should work from the top of the application.
Currently it works from the right side since the application is set on
portrait mode and not actually on landscape mode as the UI shows it. This
might confuse the Jolla user since swipe gestures are orientating with the
screen orientation. Please fix this orientation issue."

Since there isn't a manifest where I can state my game's orientation like
in all other mobile platforms (iOS, BlackBerry - PlayBook and BB10) and I
have to rotate and translate rendering and touch events my self how can I
control the system's swipe events for closing or placing the game in the
background? In all other mobile platforms this is done automatically by the
system depending on the manifest setting.

*Rejection Reason 1:*

In all games the event loop is continues and the game renders everything in
each cycle and depending on the game's logic and/or player's choices there
might (or not) be change in position of objects on the screen. One can say
that a game is never idle.

My event loop is the same as in the example found in github (, so why is that
acceptable and isn't acceptable in the market?

Also in that example the application type is set to something other than
Silica app, so is my game as it isn't using Qt. But I get a warning that in
the future my game might be rejected.

Can we or cannot we have non-Qt applications/games in the market?

Looking forward for your comments

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