Well, I am no expert on SDL. But apparently there should be a way to
set orientation on wayland.

The SDL_waylandwindow.h

shows there is a qt_extended_surface pointer in the SDL_WindowData
structure, which is used by the
qt_extended_surface_set_content_orientation(struct qt_extended_surface
*qt_extended_surface, int32_t orientation);

function. So if you manage to create your surface, and get the
extended_surface pointer, you should be able to set the orientation as
well as add listeners for events.

If you manage to get this working, please create a guide about it somewhere.


On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 11:18 AM, Iosif Hamlatzis <i.hamlat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Regarding the orientation it's not something I can patch and submit, it's a
> thing for Jolla since it has to do with the video driver.
> Looking at the code of SDL2, I would say the hint for the orientation is iOS
> specific:
> From the SDL_hints.h
> /**
>  *  \brief  A variable controlling which orientations are allowed on iOS.
>  *
>  *  In some circumstances it is necessary to be able to explicitly control
>  *  which UI orientations are allowed.
>  *
>  *  This variable is a space delimited list of the following values:
>  *    "LandscapeLeft", "LandscapeRight", "Portrait" "PortraitUpsideDown"
>  */
> And besides, if the system doesn't understand that I have rotated the device
> I cannot do much in my game to modify the behaviour of "the go to
> background" or "close" swipe.
> From previous emails I and others were given as a solution to the rotation
> problem that we should do the math in our rendering functions as well as the
> rotation and transformation for the touch events. So I did and my games work
> perfectly on my device.
> I was happy to learn that problems they had in their system regarding the
> SDL2 library were fixed and now they could accept games in the market
> (previously my games were rejected because they didn't accept the SDL2
> library) and now I get my games again rejected not because of my fault, but
> because they cannot handle the rotation, even if I am using a solution they
> provided.
> I believe most games would be in landscape mode and not portrait, at least
> mine are. So I would wait either for a solution from them or if they start
> accepting games with different swipe gestures for "go to background" and
> "close".
> And hopefully in the tablet version the default would be landscape mode.
> I'll port the rest of the games to SailfishOS and have them ready for when
> and if the problem has been fixed.
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Luciano Montanaro

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