I did not try this, but Qt documentation lists a contentOrientation
property of QWindow.

So I would try to create the window for the applicationm then:


and then use pass the window surface to the sdl part of the application.

About the high cpu load: I do not know what you are trying to achieve,
but maybe you may use a timer based event loop, or base refresh on a
"vertical refresh" signal. The point is, you should target a 60 frame
per second rate, and wait if you have finished earlier than that.


On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 3:38 PM, Iosif Hamlatzis <i.hamlat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My SDL2 game was just rejected for two reasons.
> 1. For consuming too much battery
> 2. swipe closing gesture not working as it should
> I would like to address first the second remark and then go to the first.
> Rejection Reason 2:
> Specifically the rejection reason states:
> " Your application is coded to landscape mode. This makes the swipe closing
> gesture not working as it should work from the top of the application.
> Currently it works from the right side since the application is set on
> portrait mode and not actually on landscape mode as the UI shows it. This
> might confuse the Jolla user since swipe gestures are orientating with the
> screen orientation. Please fix this orientation issue."
> Since there isn't a manifest where I can state my game's orientation like in
> all other mobile platforms (iOS, BlackBerry - PlayBook and BB10) and I have
> to rotate and translate rendering and touch events my self how can I control
> the system's swipe events for closing or placing the game in the background?
> In all other mobile platforms this is done automatically by the system
> depending on the manifest setting.
> Rejection Reason 1:
> In all games the event loop is continues and the game renders everything in
> each cycle and depending on the game's logic and/or player's choices there
> might (or not) be change in position of objects on the screen. One can say
> that a game is never idle.
> My event loop is the same as in the example found in github
> (https://github.com/sailfish-sdk/sdk-sdl-project-example), so why is that
> acceptable and isn't acceptable in the market?
> Warnings
> Also in that example the application type is set to something other than
> Silica app, so is my game as it isn't using Qt. But I get a warning that in
> the future my game might be rejected.
> Can we or cannot we have non-Qt applications/games in the market?
> Looking forward for your comments
> iosif
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Luciano Montanaro

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